jueves, 22 de julio de 2010

First steps on the moon

What started 2 years ago, this dream of moving to London to pursue the ambition of studying fashion is now closer and closer…
I know that I am just a common girl from an island where shops don’t offer as much variety of clothes as we could desire but I aspire for more, I want more and that’s why I chose LCF to study Fashion Journalism ‘cause I wanna feel alive. I know perhaps I will not become the next Anna Wintour but as Gandhi said, whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it's very important that you do it.
…And this is what I am doing; something insignificant for the rest of the world, but something which means the world to me… and nobody knows what will happen, I am the one who writes my story and this is how it starts.

These wellingtons (Primark) mark the beginning of a new experience... These pictures are the first sentence to where I am going.

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